SuperK VARIA tunable filter

The SuperK VARIA filter is a cost-effective and flexible alternative to a monochromator. It transforms the SuperK supercontinuum lasers into powerful single-line lasers with a 440 nm wide tuning range and variable bandwidth.

The SuperK VARIA is the most flexible filter solution on the market. Tune the center wavelength of the passband to anything between 400 and 840 nm. The bandwidth is variable between 10 and 100 nm to ensure a variable power level and speckle reduction.

Key Features

400-840 nm coverage

Variable bandwidth

50 dB out-of-band suppression

High transmission, no polarization loss

Handles high average power

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The SuperK VARIA is a cost-effective and flexible alternative to a monochromator

With the increased filter bandwidth comes a higher power throughput and reduced speckle in imaging applications.

An out-of-band suppression of up to 50 dB makes the SuperK VARIA the ideal tool for FLIM and other applications that use high-sensitivity detectors.

Use the collimated free-space output from the filter directly or combine the VARIA with the SuperK CONNECT broadband fiber delivery system to get pristine single-mode fiber delivery over the entire tuning range – in one single fiber.

Single-mode fiber delivery

The SuperK VARIA is compatible with our SuperK CONNECT high-performance fiber delivery system that comes complete with broadband fibers and a range of termination options such as FC/PC connectors or high-quality collimators.

Interfacing is handled by the CONNECT fiber coupling block that ensures easy and stable single-mode coupling that can be disconnected and reconnected without alignment.

SuperK VARIA tunable filter


Choose model:
Wavelength tuning range
400-840 nm
Minimum bandwidth FWHM
< 10 nm
Maximum bandwidth FWHM
100 nm
Transmission through module 1)
70-90% unpolarized
Upper out-of-band suppression 2)
> 50 dB
Lower out-of-band suppression 3)
> 40 dB
Output polarization
Unpolarized or P-polarized
Tuning speed
> 10 nm/s
Repeatability of
wavelength position4)
< 0.2 nm
Absolute wavelength accuracy
± 5 nm
Wavelength temperature sensitivity
< 0.05 nm/deg.
Transmission temperature sensitivity
< 0.2 %/deg.
Interlock options
Collimator, lead
Output mode
Collimated free-space or
Output mode

1) Average in 50 nm bandwidth.

2) 10 nm above lower FWHM transmission wavelength in the 400-900 nm range. With SuperK CONNECT single-mode fiber delivery, e.g. FD2.

3) 10 nm below lower FWHM transmission wavelength in the 400-900 nm range. With SuperK CONNECT single-mode fiber delivery, e.g. FD2.

4) With collimator inserted. The wavelength position may shift if the collimator is removed and reinserted.

Operation temperature
+15o to +30oC
Storage temperature
+5o to +50oC (non-condensing)
Dimensions (WxHxL)
272 x 67.6 x 211.5 mm
7.9 kg
Electrical interface
SuperK BUS, analog feedback signal