Get the ultra-low noise and high power from Koheras lasers and amplifiers
Whether you work with quantum computers, gravitational wave detection, quantum sensing, or perhaps quantum key distribution, you can benefit from an ultra-low noise pump laser and an amplifier that preserves the low noise.
With the Koheras BASIK E15 pump laser, you get a stable, narrow-linewidth fiber laser with intrinsically low phase noise.
If you need an even lower relative intensity noise, order the RIN reduction option.
Have a quick look at the noise specification to see if the BASIK laser would work for you:
BASIK | E15 |
Linewidth | < 0.1 kHz |
Max. phase noise | -90 dB((Rad/√Hz)/m)@10Hz -110 dB((Rad/√Hz)/m)@100Hz -130 dB((Rad/√Hz)/m)@20kHz |
Max. phase noise | 32 (µrad/√Hz)/m@10Hz 3.2 (µrad/√Hz)/m@100Hz 0.3 (µrad/√Hz)/m@20kHz |
RIN peak | Appr. 0.7 MHz |
RIN level @ peak/10 MHz | <-100 / <-135 dBc/Hz |
The Koheras BOOSTIK HP fiber amplifier extends the output power of the pump laser. It gives you an output power of 15 W. It is the ideal choice for noise-sensitive applications such as squeezed light because it preserves the ultra-low phase noise and narrow linewidth of the Koheras BASIK seed lasers.
See all the specifications on the Koheras BASIK and Koheras BOOSTIK product pages.
Unique fiber delivery system
Do you want to mount the laser system in a rack? No problem. With our unique fiber delivery system, aeroGUIDE POWER, you can get light wherever you want. The fiber delivery solution handles high power, preserves the low-noise laser properties, and delivers single-mode light at all wavelengths.
This laser is robust enough for oil rigs yet sophisticated enough for the lab
Our fiber laser design is inherently compact and robust. It is developed for a lifetime of above 10 years in demanding environments where uptime is critical. With failure rates lower than 1%, we proudly deliver the most reliable low-noise lasers on the market. Alignment-free and maintenance-free.
The industrial-grade OEM lasers have a rugged design, a stable performance unaffected by changing environmental conditions, and wide temperature ranges in the field as well as the lab. We deliver lasers to the most advanced laboratories worldwide such as the Non-linear Quantum optics group at the University of Hamburg and DTU Fysik at the Technical University of Denmark.
We have more than 15,000 Koheras lasers deployed in the harshest environments on – and off – the planet. We have lasers on oil rigs, submarines, wind turbines, and even in space. With over 20 years of experience, we know they last. Also in your lab.
- Adaptive Generalized Measurement for Unambiguous State Discrimination of Quaternary Phase-Shift-Keying Coherent States by Shuro Izumi, Jonas S. Neergaard-Nielsen, Ulrik L. Andersen, published in PRX Quantum, 2021.
- Squeezed-light interferometry on a cryogenically-cooled micro-mechanical membrane by L. Kleybolte, P. Gewecke, A. Sawadsky, M. Korobko, R. Schnabel, published in Physical Review Letters, 2020.
- Continuous-wave 6-dB-squeezed light with 2.5-THz-bandwidth from single-mode PPLN waveguide by Takahiro Kashiwazaki, Naoto Takanashi, Taichi Yamashima, Takushi Kazama, Koji Enbutsu, Ryoichi Kasahara, Takeshi Umeki, Akira Furusawa, published in APL Photonics, 2020.
- Continuous-wave squeezed states of light via ‘up-down’ self-phase modulation by Amrit Pal Singh, Stefan Ast, Moritz Mehmet, Henning Vahlbruch, Roman Schnabel, published in Optics Express, 2019.
- Tunable narrow-linewidth laser at 2 μm wavelength for gravitational wave detector research by D. P. Kapasi, J. Eichholz, T. McRae, R. L. Ward, B. J. J. Slagmolen, S. Legge, K. S. Hardman, P. A. Altin, D. E. McClelland, published in Optics Express, 2020.
- Sensitivity Enhancement of Optomechanical Measurements using Squeezed Light thesis by Lisa Marie Kleybolte, University of Hamburg, 2019.
- Compact, low-threshold squeezed light source by J. Arnbak, C. S. Jacobsen, R. B. Andrade, X. Guo, J. S. Neergaard-Nielsen, U. L. Andersen, T. Gehring, published in Optics Express, 2019.
- Generation and measurement of a squeezed vacuum up to 100 MHz at 1550 nm with a semi-monolithic optical parametric oscillator designed towards direct coupling with waveguide modules by Naoto Takanashi, Wataru Inokuchi, Takahiro Serikawa, Akira Furusawa, published in Optics Express, 2019.
- Compact squeezed-light source at 1550 nm thesis by Axel Schönbeck, University of Hamburg, 2018.
- Vacuum-compatible low-loss Faraday isolator for efficient squeezed-light injection in laser-interferometer-based gravitational-wave detectors by Eric Genin, Maddalena Mantovani, Gabriel Pillant, Camilla De Rossi, Laurent Pinard, Christophe Michel, Matthieu Gosselin, Julia Casanueva, published in Applied Optics, 2018.
Our quantum engagements
We are part of the European Quantum Flagship, the European Quantum Industry Consortium, the Quantum Economic Development Consortium, and the Danish Quantum Community.