Barium ion control

We have designed the new Koheras ADJUSTIK T20 1762.17 nm to address the 6S to 5D transition in barium ions.

Barium ions are referred to as Goldilocks qubits because their properties are fitting for quantum computing. It is easy to manipulate the electrons in barium ions with laser beams to use them as qubits.

Also, barium ions have long coherence times, which means that they can maintain their quantum state for a long time, relatively. Most of the wavelengths you need to manipulate the ions are within the visible spectrum, except for 1762 nm. The options for reliable and narrow linewidth light at 1762 nm were quite limited – until now.

The new Koheras ADJUSTIK HP T20 was designed specifically with the 6S to 5D transition in barium in mind. Use it for qubit manipulation, quantum sensing, sympathetic cooling, or any other 1762 nm laser-cooling your heart desires.

Koheras ADJUSTIK laser system

With the T20, you get a laser that offers robust single-frequency operation, a narrow linewidth of less than 20 kHz, and a high power of 500 mW at 1762 nm. Its environmental insensitivity is superior to, e.g., diode lasers.

Based on our industrial BASIK DFB fiber lasers, the ADJUSTIK HP T20 is an all-fiber, low-noise, single-mode, mode hop-free laser with free-running sub-kHz linewidth.

This laser is robust enough for oil rigs yet sophisticated enough for the lab

Our fiber laser design is inherently compact and robust. It is developed for a lifetime of above 10 years in demanding environments where uptime is critical. With failure rates lower than 1%, we proudly deliver the most reliable low-noise lasers on the market. Alignment-free and maintenance-free.

The industrial-grade OEM lasers have a rugged design, a stable performance unaffected by changing environmental conditions, and wide temperature ranges in the field as well as the lab.

We have more than 15,000 Koheras lasers deployed in the harshest environments on – and off – the planet. We have lasers on oil rigs, submarines, wind turbines, and even in space. With over 20 years of experience, we know they last. Also in your lab.

Unique fiber delivery system 

Do you want to mount the laser system in a rack? No problem. With our unique fiber delivery system, aeroGUIDE POWER, you can get light wherever you want. The fiber delivery solution handles high power, preserves the low-noise laser properties, and delivers single-mode light at all wavelengths.  

Our quantum engagements

We are part of the European Quantum Flagship, the European Quantum Industry Consortium, the Quantum Economic Development Consortium, and the Danish Quantum Community.

Use lasers to make quantum computers

You can use cold-atom systems as quantum computers. Cooling lasers freeze atoms and hold them still, mid-air, using Doppler cooling and dipole trapping techniques. The cold atoms are manipulated, entangled, and read using more lasers and optical techniques to form highly attractive qubits in quantum computers.

Pick the right laser for quantum computing

When choosing a laser for atom trapping, cooling, and manipulation, there are several things to consider:

Power scalability

Power consumption of cold atom/ion experiments scale with the number of qubits. Diode lasers have a breaking point at 2-4 W before compromising linewidth or system temperature, while our fiber lasers routinely supply >10 W of narrow linewidth power without breaking a sweat.

Narrow linewidth

Linewidth is closely tied to laser technology. Phase noise in the system leads to the broadening of the linewidth.

For Doppler cooling, the laser’s linewidth must be significantly smaller than the linewidth of the atom. Otherwise, the laser – not the atom – will determine how low a temperature we can obtain. Similarly, intensity fluctuations – typically expressed as relative intensity noise (RIN) – also heat the atom and limit its cooling rate.

Our fiber lasers have linewidths in the 1-100 Hz range, making them the narrowest linewidth lasers commercially available.

Wavelength coverage

Specific and hard-to-reach wavelengths are the key to the quantum computing market. Our lasers cover most of the wavelengths in the visible spectrum as well as those for infrared transitions of, e.g., barium.

Wavelength stability

It is critical to ensure accurate wavelength control when you pick a laser for the narrow transitions of cold atom experiments. To fine-tune the system, the absolute wavelength must be well-defined, adjustable, and stable.

The Koheras fiber laser systems allow coarse thermal tuning of the laser cavity and fast piezo tuning for locking in, e.g., a Pound-Drever-Hall scheme.

Fiber advantages

Fiber coupling is necessary if you want to rack mount your laser system. Fiber lasers have single-mode fiber output and are inherently more beam-stable than other laser types. Moreover, NKT Photonics’ photonic crystal fibers are uniquely suited to transport single-mode, high-power, narrow-linewidth light at all power levels we provide.

So if you want to mount the laser system in a rack, it is not a problem. With our unique fiber delivery system, aeroGUIDE POWER, you can get light wherever you want.

Scalable & industrial manufacturing

The fiber laser sources are highly scalable. We have experience in scaling and delivering thousands of lasers every year.

Our fiber laser architecture builds on 20 years of experience with over 15,000 single-frequency fiber lasers in the field, many in harsh environments running 24/7. The Mean Time Between Failure for the lasers is >30 years.

A laser that checks all these boxes – and more – is our Koheras HARMONIK. We have developed it specifically for trapping and cooling atoms for quantum optic applications.

How do you make cold atoms?

When you want to cool and trap atoms with lasers, you need to know that – at the atomic scale – temperature makes atoms wiggle around. Reducing their movement is the same as reducing their temperature. You can cool atoms by carefully matching your atom with a laser that can emit light with the properties needed to cool that specific atom.

To cool an atom, you make it absorb energy only when it randomly moves towards the laser. After a short while, the atom begins to reemit the absorbed light in random directions. On average, this makes the atom slow down in the direction of the laser because it loses net kinetic energy in that direction.

Now you add a beam in all three dimensions, and the atom will be forced to slow down in all directions. This technique lets you cool the atom down to well below 1°K, depending on the type of atom.

The goal is to make the atom absorb light only when moving in a specific direction. Atoms can only absorb light if the light is oscillating at one of the discrete frequencies allowed by the atom. For rubidium, one of these frequencies corresponds to light with a wavelength of 780 nm. If the wavelength is longer, the rubidium atom will not absorb it.

In a laser Doppler cooling system, the wavelength of the laser must be slightly longer than required for absorption. When the atom moves toward the laser, the Doppler effect will cause the atom to experience the laser as emitting light at a shorter wavelength due to the Doppler effect. The atom will absorb a photon.

When moving away from the laser source, the atom experiences the wavelength as longer and nothing happens. You can use a magneto-optical trap (MOT) to shoot light at the atom from both directions and in all three dimensions. This cools rubidium atoms down to a few µK and they are ready to be put to work.

In some systems, the atoms are transferred to other laser cooling systems to lower the temperature further before they are used.

Our quantum engagements

We are part of the European Quantum Flagship, the European Quantum Industry Consortium, the Quantum Economic Development Consortium, and the Danish Quantum Community.

The temperature on the atomic scale depends on the rate of movement of the atoms. Cooling individual atoms usually boils down to preventing the atoms from moving. But how does one grab a single atom and stop it?

Some atomic cooling techniques are Doppler cooling, Sub–Doppler cooling, and atom evaporation in a Bose-Einstein condensate.

Atomic trapping and cooling are typically used in applications such as:

  • time/frequency standards (atomic clocks)
  • GPS systems and navigation
  • research on fundamental constants
  • quantum information (computing and encryption)
  • atom interferometry

For laser cooling on atomic resonances (such as Doppler cooling), you need a precise wavelength to match a specific atomic/ion transition, making DFB fiber lasers ideal. You can get this from a laser with a linewidth narrower than the atomic transition.

Higher power lets you cool more atoms simultaneously. No other commercial system provides equally high power at key cooling and trapping wavelengths as the Koheras HARMONIK, and with pristine beam quality.

Trap & cool with Koheras

Koheras lasers offer ultra-low noise, narrow linewidth, and high-frequency stability in a rugged fiber format. For trapping and cooling applications, we recommend our Koheras BOOSTIK HP single-frequency laser together with the Koheras HARMONIK frequency converter modules.

The BOOSTIK system has advantages that have made it a daily driver in hundreds of laboratories around the World:

  • High power
  • Excellent beam quality
  • Ultra-low phase noise
  • Easy to use and maintenance-free

The BOOSTIK HP laser and HARMONIK frequency converter module come in different wavelength ranges and power levels to suit the many different needs of atomic physics.

ModelWavelengthOutput powerPMPiezo tuning
HARMONIK775-780 nm>7 WOptionalYes
Y101030-1090 nm2,  5, 10 or 15WOptionalYes
E151530-1575 nm2, 5 or 10WOptionalYes

Get wavelength freedom

One of the key advantages of our DFB fiber laser technology is the freedom to choose the operating wavelength. Due to the excellent beam quality, frequency conversion can efficiently bring many important applications within atomic physics within reach of the HARMONIK system.

Frequency conversion examples are shown below.

The graph shows the VIS wavelength capabilities of the HARMONIK. All lasers are pumped by our low-noise fiber lasers in the NIR (not shown), allowing the lasers to be locked to frequency references at either their fundamental or converted wavelengths.

aeroGUIDE-POWER fiber delivery for high power narrow linewidth light

aeroGUIDE white

The aeroGUIDE-POWER is the gold standard of high power single-mode fiber delivery and offers the highest nonlinear threshold of any PM single-mode delivery system on the market.

The systems are equipped with high-power SMA-905 connectors with built-in mode strippers to remove uncoupled light. The aeroGUIDE-POWER is single-mode and can guide light with low loss anywhere in the 500 to 2000 nm range. The fiber is protected by an armored square lock steel cable that can handle daily use and even inter-lab routing through walls. 


How have others used Koheras lasers for atomic physics? Read the publications here.

Our quantum engagements

We are part of the European Quantum Flagship, the European Quantum Industry Consortium, the Quantum Economic Development Consortium, and the Danish Quantum Community.

Trapped Beryllium ions

To cool down a 9Be+ ion, you need a kHz-linewidth low-noise 313 nm laser. A narrow-linewidth low-noise laser is essential if you want to trap beryllium ions at exotic wavelengths, such as 313.

By combining low-noise fiber lasers and multiple frequency conversion steps, it is now possible to produce 313 nm at high power with all the benefits of fiber lasers usually reserved for infrared applications.

Get 313 nm

313 nm can be reached in a two-step frequency-conversion process using two DFB fiber lasers: A Koheras BASIK Y10 at 1051 nm and a Koheras BASIK E15 at 1550 nm and our new Koheras HARMONIK frequency-conversion module.

Our new HARMONIK turn-key module uses sum-frequency generation (SFG) to get 626 nm and subsequent second-harmonic generation (SHG) to reach 313 nm at watt power level.

This lets you transfer amplified high-quality, narrow-linewidth, stable, low-noise light from infrared fiber lasers to the 313 nm region. This nonlinear conversion process efficiently quenches out-of-band power, such as amplified spontaneous emission (ASE), that is present in any amplified laser system and usually adds high-frequency phase noise.

Have a quick look at these key specifications to see if the Koheras HARMONIK would work for you:

Output power> 1 W
Linewidth< 40 Hz
Total thermal tuning range± 70 pm

See all the Koheras HARMONIK frequency-conversion module specifications on the product page.

This laser is robust enough for oil rigs yet sophisticated enough for the lab

Our fiber laser design is inherently compact and robust. It is developed for a lifetime of above 10 years in demanding environments where uptime is critical. With failure rates lower than 1%, we proudly deliver the most reliable low-noise lasers on the market. Alignment-free and maintenance-free.

The industrial-grade OEM lasers have a rugged design, a stable performance unaffected by changing environmental conditions, and wide temperature ranges in the field as well as the lab. We deliver lasers to the most advanced laboratories worldwide such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the Institute for Trapped-Ion Quantum Engineering Group at Leibniz University Hannover.

We have more than 15,000 Koheras lasers deployed in the harshest environments on – and off – the planet. We have lasers on oil rigs, submarines, wind turbines, and even in space. With over 20 years of experience, we know they last. Also in your lab.

Unique fiber delivery system 

Do you want to mount the laser system in a rack? No problem. With our unique fiber delivery system, aeroGUIDE POWER, you can get light wherever you want. The fiber delivery solution handles high power, preserves the low-noise laser properties, and delivers single-mode light at all wavelengths.  


Our quantum engagements

We are part of the European Quantum Flagship, the European Quantum Industry Consortium, the Quantum Economic Development Consortium, and the Danish Quantum Community.

Get the high power, low noise, and wavelength conversion with the Koheras BOOSTIK HP

With the stable, high-power Koheras fiber lasers, you get the best starting point for a successful implementation of optical tweezers or standing wave-type dipole traps. Due to the 15 W output power, low noise, and single-mode fiber delivery, setting up has never been easier.

Use the Koheras BOOSTIK HP with our efficient and stable wavelength conversion module, the Koheras HARMONIK, to address the dipole trapping wavelengths of your favorite atoms such as strontium or rubidium. Wavelength conversion also quenches any ASE in the laser system and ensures a spectrally pure signal.

With its high power, ASE suppression through conversion, lack of chillers, and fiber-delivered light, the Koheras lasers are ideal for dipole trapping in the lab and the rack.

Center wavelength789-845 nm
Output power> 3 W
RIN level< -100 dBc/Hz @ peak
< -140 dBc/Hz @ 10 MHz
Optical S/N (50 pm res.)> 70 dB

Go to the HARMONIK product page for more information.

Unique fiber delivery system 

Do you want to mount the laser system in a rack? No problem. With our unique fiber delivery system, aeroGUIDE POWER, you can get light wherever you want. The fiber delivery solution handles high power, preserves the low-noise laser properties, and delivers single-mode light at all wavelengths.  

This laser is robust enough for oil rigs yet sophisticated enough for the lab

Our fiber laser design is inherently compact and robust. It is developed for a lifetime of above 10 years in demanding environments where uptime is critical. With failure rates lower than 1%, we proudly deliver the most reliable low-noise lasers on the market. Alignment-free and maintenance-free.

The industrial-grade OEM lasers have a rugged design, a stable performance unaffected by changing environmental conditions, and wide temperature ranges in the field as well as the lab. We deliver lasers to the most advanced laboratories worldwide such as the Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity at the University of Bremen and the National Ignition Facility at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

We have more than 15,000 Koheras lasers deployed in the harshest environments on – and off – the planet. We have lasers on oil rigs, submarines, wind turbines, and even in space. With over 20 years of experience, we know they last. Also in your lab.


Are you looking for a laser for rubidium cooling for applications such as gravimeters, quantum computers, or inertial sensors? A mode-hop and ASE-free low phase-noise laser that ensures efficient cooling? A laser with a high power to maximize the number of cooled atoms?

Have it all with the Koheras HARMONIK

We suggest you go for our high-powered, frequency-doubled Koheras HARMONIK fiber laser system. This system is mode-hop-free and gives you a unique combination of high power, low noise, excellent beam quality, and a narrow linewidth. In addition, the frequency conversion efficiently suppresses any Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE) because the power is too low to be converted in the nonlinear process.

Use the Koheras BOOSTIK HP with our efficient and stable wavelength conversion module, the Koheras HARMONIK, to address the dipole trapping wavelengths of, e.g., rubidium.

Koheras HARMONIK H78
Koheras HARMONIK H81

Get an overview of the noise data:

Center wavelength770-785 nm789-845 nm
RIN peak≈ 0.7 MHz0.5 – 2.0 MHz
RIN level< -97 dBc/Hz @ peak
< -132 dBc/Hz @ 10 MHz
< -100 dBc/Hz @ peak
< -140 dBc/Hz @ 10 MHz
Optical S/N (50 pm res.)> 70 dB> 70 dB

Do you need more details? Go to the HARMONIK product page.

Unique fiber delivery system 

Do you want to mount the laser system in a rack? No problem. With our unique fiber delivery system, aeroGUIDE POWER, you can get light wherever you want. The fiber delivery solution handles high power, preserves the low-noise laser properties, and delivers single-mode light at all wavelengths.  

This laser is robust enough for oil rigs yet sophisticated enough for the lab

Our fiber laser design is inherently compact and robust. It is developed for a lifetime of above 10 years in demanding environments where uptime is critical. With failure rates lower than 1%, we proudly deliver the most reliable low-noise lasers on the market. Alignment-free and maintenance-free.

The industrial-grade lasers have a rugged design, a stable performance unaffected by changing environmental conditions, and wide temperature ranges in the field as well as the lab. We deliver lasers to the most advanced laboratories worldwide such as The Quantum Hub at the University of Birmingham.

We have more than 15,000 Koheras lasers deployed in the harshest environments on – and off – the planet. We have lasers on oil rigs, submarines, wind turbines, and even in space. With over 20 years of experience, we know they last. Also in your lab.


What have others done with our Koheras lasers?

Our quantum engagements

We are part of the European Quantum Flagship, the European Quantum Industry Consortium, the Quantum Economic Development Consortium, and the Danish Quantum Community.

A key building block in quantum information technology is single-photon sources which, as the name suggests, can emit a single photon – spontaneously or carefully timed.

Typically, when you want to generate single photons, you reduce the output power of your laser to the point where it emits a single photon at a time. Due to the random nature of this approach, the laser emits photons spontaneously and unpredictably, which has advantages and drawbacks.

Pulsed lasers ensure predictable emission

You can use a pulsed laser to pump fluorescent nanoparticles to ensure a predictable emission of single photons. You can make nanoparticles in various shapes and sizes, depending on the material. The shape and size affect the optical properties of the nanoparticle.

For a given application and nanoparticle design, you need a specific wavelength and pulse duration combination to pump and operate the nanoparticle. You will typically need wavelengths in the VIS to NIR region.

Pick the right laser

No matter how you have designed your nanoparticles, we have the right laser for you:

  • For characterization and research – where you need flexible wavelengths and excitation bandwidth of wavelength – our SuperK CHROMATUNE tunable laser is a turnkey picosecond pulsed laser with a built-in filter. Get any wavelength from 400 nm-1000 nm in one laser.
  • For specific wavelengths, our PILAS diode lasers give you high-performance cost-efficient picosecond pulsed light at a wide range of wavelengths. Pick the one you need.
PILAS picosecond lasers

Our quantum engagements

We are part of the European Quantum Flagship, the European Quantum Industry Consortium, the Quantum Economic Development Consortium, and the Danish Quantum Community.

Get the ultra-low noise and high power from Koheras lasers and amplifiers

Whether you work with quantum computers, gravitational wave detection, quantum sensing, or perhaps quantum key distribution, you can benefit from an ultra-low noise pump laser and an amplifier that preserves the low noise.

With the Koheras BASIK E15 pump laser, you get a stable, narrow-linewidth fiber laser with intrinsically low phase noise.

If you need an even lower relative intensity noise, order the RIN reduction option.

Have a quick look at the noise specification to see if the BASIK laser would work for you:

Linewidth< 0.1 kHz
Max. phase noise-90 dB((Rad/√Hz)/m)@10Hz
-110 dB((Rad/√Hz)/m)@100Hz
-130 dB((Rad/√Hz)/m)@20kHz
Max. phase noise32 (µrad/√Hz)/m@10Hz
3.2 (µrad/√Hz)/m@100Hz
0.3 (µrad/√Hz)/m@20kHz
RIN peakAppr. 0.7 MHz
RIN level @ peak/10 MHz<-100 / <-135 dBc/Hz

The Koheras BOOSTIK HP fiber amplifier extends the output power of the pump laser. It gives you an output power of 15 W. It is the ideal choice for noise-sensitive applications such as squeezed light because it preserves the ultra-low phase noise and narrow linewidth of the Koheras BASIK seed lasers.

See all the specifications on the Koheras BASIK and Koheras BOOSTIK product pages.

Unique fiber delivery system 

Do you want to mount the laser system in a rack? No problem. With our unique fiber delivery system, aeroGUIDE POWER, you can get light wherever you want. The fiber delivery solution handles high power, preserves the low-noise laser properties, and delivers single-mode light at all wavelengths.  

This laser is robust enough for oil rigs yet sophisticated enough for the lab

Our fiber laser design is inherently compact and robust. It is developed for a lifetime of above 10 years in demanding environments where uptime is critical. With failure rates lower than 1%, we proudly deliver the most reliable low-noise lasers on the market. Alignment-free and maintenance-free.

The industrial-grade OEM lasers have a rugged design, a stable performance unaffected by changing environmental conditions, and wide temperature ranges in the field as well as the lab. We deliver lasers to the most advanced laboratories worldwide such as the Non-linear Quantum optics group at the University of Hamburg and DTU Fysik at the Technical University of Denmark.

We have more than 15,000 Koheras lasers deployed in the harshest environments on – and off – the planet. We have lasers on oil rigs, submarines, wind turbines, and even in space. With over 20 years of experience, we know they last. Also in your lab.


Our quantum engagements

We are part of the European Quantum Flagship, the European Quantum Industry Consortium, the Quantum Economic Development Consortium, and the Danish Quantum Community.

Micro resonator-based frequency combs transfer the laser characteristics from the pump laser to its comb teeth. Any power fluctuations in the pump laser will be amplified in the nonlinear process that creates the comb.

Get the most stable frequency combs in the market with Koheras BASIK

The power stability and noise characteristics of the pump laser dictate the performance of the frequency comb. Lock your frequency comb to our Koheras BASIK fiber laser. They are mode-hop-free and combine low-noise with an ultra-stable all-fiber light source and a decade-long lifetime.

Have a quick look at the noise specification to see if the BASIK would work for you:

< 0.1 < 0.1
Max. phase noise
-105 @1Hz
-125 @10Hz
-130 @100Hz
-128 @1kHz
-90 @10Hz
-110 @100Hz
-130 @20kHz
Max. phase noise
3.1 @1Hz
0.6 @10Hz
0.3 @100Hz
0.4 @1kHz
32 @10Hz
3.2 @100Hz
0.3 @20kHz
RIN peak
Appr. 0.7Appr. 0.7
RIN level @ peak
 <-100 <-100
RIN level @ 10 MHz

See all the Koheras BASIK X15 and E15 specifications on the product page.

Unique fiber delivery system 

Do you want to mount the laser system in a rack? No problem. With our unique fiber delivery system, aeroGUIDE POWER, you can get light wherever you want. The fiber delivery solution handles high power, preserves the low-noise laser properties, and delivers single-mode light at all wavelengths.  

This laser is robust enough for oil rigs yet sophisticated enough for the lab

Our fiber laser design is inherently compact and robust. It is developed for a lifetime of above 10 years in demanding environments where uptime is critical. With failure rates lower than 1%, we proudly deliver the most reliable low-noise lasers on the market. Alignment-free and maintenance-free.

The industrial-grade OEM lasers have a rugged design, a stable performance unaffected by changing environmental conditions, and wide temperature ranges in the field as well as the lab. We deliver lasers to the most advanced laboratories worldwide such as The Laboratory of Photonics and Quantum Measurements at EPFL and the Quantum Optics and Photonics lab at the Niels Bohr Institute.

We have more than 15,000 Koheras lasers deployed in the harshest environments on – and off – the planet. We have lasers on oil rigs, submarines, wind turbines, and even in space. With over 20 years of experience, we know they last. Also in your lab.


Our quantum engagements

We are part of the European Quantum Flagship, the European Quantum Industry Consortium, the Quantum Economic Development Consortium, and the Danish Quantum Community.