Need a new laser this year?

Check out all the available lasers and fibers. Order now to have it delivered this year!

Three engineers and physicists in an optical lab with lasers and oscilloscopes

SuperK white light lasers & filters

Choose from our entire range of SuperK supercontinuum white light fiber lasers and filters. Check them out and get in touch if you see anything you like.

Koheras single-frequency fiber lasers

If you’re in search of a fiber laser with low noise and a narrow linewidth, a Koheras laser might be the ideal choice. Explore the selection below, and reach out with any questions.

High-power femtosecond lasers

Or can we tempt you with a robust, high-power ultrafast laser?

PCF fibers & gain modules

Are you a fiber enthusiast? Explore our high-performance Photonic Crystal Fibers and gain modules. 

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