femtoWHITE fiber modules – for supercontinuum generation
Our maintenance-free FemtoWHITE devices make supercontinuum generation easy. We have designed them for Ti:Sapphire pumping at 800 nm. There is no need for complex laser systems like cavity-dumped oscillators or synchronized oscillators.

Key Features
High nonlinear coefficient
End-facet beam expansion
Nonlinear supercontinuum modules
Our most popular PM supercontinuum fiber for 800-nm-range pumping is available as in the femtoWHITE devices, where the fibers are mounted in a metal housing with sealed and cleanable end-facets.
With the FemtoWHITE devices, you eliminate the need for more complex laser systems like cavity-dumped oscillators or synchronized oscillators.
If you are looking for a turnkey supercontinuum source, please check our SuperK supercontinuum laser products and accessories section.

1) Spotsize varies with wavelength.