The new generation BOOSTIK lasers provides several new features and improvements such as a significantly higher free-running wavelength stability and larger tuning range. Moreover, the new BOOSTIK comes with internal fast wavelength modulation capabilities, and a build-in wave-function generator, which are both controlled through a user-friendly GUI. This eliminates the need for a costly external piezo driver and ensures lowest possible noise.
The system is available at any wavelength in the ranges 1050-1090 nm and 1540-1570 nm with up to 15 W of output power and is controlled through a user-friendly interface.
New features and improvements
- 10X better wavelength stability against environmental temperature changes (1 pm/K)
- 2.5X larger fast wavelength tuning range
- Built-in internal fast wavelength modulation with no need for external piezo driver
- Internal function generator
- Slim 1U seed laser
In addition, the new generation BOOSTIK lasers comes with all the great features that have made the Koheras brand so popular in labs around the World:
- Available at any wavelength in the 1050-1090 nm and 1540-1570 nm range
- High output power up to 15 W
- Shot-noise limited performance with Hz range linewidth and low phase noise
- Burst noise and mode hop free
- Available with kHz frequency modulation
- Excellent beam quality ideal for frequency conversion
Typical applications
The Koheras BOOSTIK lasers are widely used in the scientific community for high precision metrology where ultra-stable and low noise laser operation is critical. Among the most important applications are:
- Optical length and frequency standards
- Quantum optics / computing & phenomena such as optical trapping, optical lattice, Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC), atom interferometers, and squeezing
- Nonlinear optics pump source (SHG, DFG, OPO)
- Laser-based metrology (precision laser interferometry and spectroscopy)
- Optical heterodyning and coherent communication
- Coherent beam combining
The new generation BOOSTIK lasers are available now. For more information please contact us or call Koheras product line manager Søren Løvgreen at +45 4348 3900.