Plasmonics is one of the fastest developing areas of optics due to its potential to bring optics to the nanoscale.
The group of Prof. Klas Lindfors studies the interaction of light-emitting molecules with complex plasmonic nanoantennas.
The goal of this research is to enhance and control the emission properties of materials. In their work, the researchers incorporated a range of different molecules positioned at optical hot spots within the plasmonic structure. Each molecule senses a different optical environment allowing the team to build up a complete picture of the plasmonic properties.
The red dots in the image above are the scattering of light from 120 nm gold nanoparticles in a polymer matrix. The strong scattering is due to the plasmon resonance.
The supercontinuum laser is a key component in the experiments as it provides a rapidly tunable bright source that allows the excitation of different molecules selectively.

“The NKT SuperK EXTREME combined with the VARIA filter is the ideal light source for our microscopy applications. It allows us to tune the wavelength to address different emitters without having to switch lasers. This has been a huge time saver increasing productivity.”
Assistant Prof. Klas Lindfors, Department of Chemistry, University of Cologne