Cases Quantum tech gives high-resolution OCT Follow the development of the highest-resolution OCT system ever built.
Cases Fast in-vivo detection of skin cancer DAMAE Medical has introduced a new LC-OCT medical imaging device. It uses our SuperK supercontinuum white-light laser to detect skin…
Cases Measurements of retinal oxygen metabolic response in the eye Supercontinuum OCT laser is used to measure retinal oxygen metabolic response in the eye.
Cases True color SLO and OCT handheld probe A team from Duke University uses a SuperK EXTREME supercontinuum source from NKT Photonics to power the World's first true…
Cases Properties of colorectal and pancreatic field carcinogenesis The SuperK supercontinuum laser was used as a tunable broadband light source for OCT.
Cases Measuring microvascular sO2 using visible light OCT The SuperK was used as a broadband source for the Fourier domain OCT setup.