Trapped Beryllium ions
To cool down a 9Be+ ion, you need a kHz-linewidth low-noise 313 nm laser. A narrow-linewidth low-noise laser is essential if you want to trap beryllium ions at exotic wavelengths, such as 313.
By combining low-noise fiber lasers and multiple frequency conversion steps, it is now possible to produce 313 nm at high power with all the benefits of fiber lasers usually reserved for infrared applications.
Get 313 nm
313 nm can be reached in a two-step frequency-conversion process using two DFB fiber lasers: A Koheras BASIK Y10 at 1051 nm and a Koheras BASIK E15 at 1550 nm and our new Koheras HARMONIK frequency-conversion module.
Our new HARMONIK turn-key module uses sum-frequency generation (SFG) to get 626 nm and subsequent second-harmonic generation (SHG) to reach 313 nm at watt power level.
This lets you transfer amplified high-quality, narrow-linewidth, stable, low-noise light from infrared fiber lasers to the 313 nm region. This nonlinear conversion process efficiently quenches out-of-band power, such as amplified spontaneous emission (ASE), that is present in any amplified laser system and usually adds high-frequency phase noise.

Have a quick look at these key specifications to see if the Koheras HARMONIK would work for you:
Output power | > 1 W |
Linewidth | < 40 Hz |
Total thermal tuning range | ± 70 pm |
See all the Koheras HARMONIK frequency-conversion module specifications on the product page.
This laser is robust enough for oil rigs yet sophisticated enough for the lab
Our fiber laser design is inherently compact and robust. It is developed for a lifetime of above 10 years in demanding environments where uptime is critical. With failure rates lower than 1%, we proudly deliver the most reliable low-noise lasers on the market. Alignment-free and maintenance-free.
The industrial-grade OEM lasers have a rugged design, a stable performance unaffected by changing environmental conditions, and wide temperature ranges in the field as well as the lab. We deliver lasers to the most advanced laboratories worldwide such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the Institute for Trapped-Ion Quantum Engineering Group at Leibniz University Hannover.
We have more than 15,000 Koheras lasers deployed in the harshest environments on – and off – the planet. We have lasers on oil rigs, submarines, wind turbines, and even in space. With over 20 years of experience, we know they last. Also in your lab.
Unique fiber delivery system
Do you want to mount the laser system in a rack? No problem. With our unique fiber delivery system, aeroGUIDE POWER, you can get light wherever you want. The fiber delivery solution handles high power, preserves the low-noise laser properties, and delivers single-mode light at all wavelengths.
- 139 GHz UV phase-locked Raman laser system for thermometry and sideband cooling of 9Be+ ions in a Penning trap by J. Mielke, J. Pick, J. A. Coenders, T. Meiners, M. Niemann, J. M. Cornejo, S. Ulmer, C. Ospelkaus published in Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 2021.
- Ultra-low-vibration closed-cycle cryogenic surface-electrode ion trap apparatus by T. Dubielzig, S. Halama, H. Hahn, G. Zarantonello, M. Niemann, A. Bautista-Salvador, C. Ospelkaus published in Review of Scientific Instruments, 2021.
- Thermometry of 9Be+ ions in a cryogenic Penning trap thesis by Johannes Mielke, Leibniz University Hannover, 2021.
- Cryogenic 9Be+ Penning trap for precision measurements with (anti-)protons by M. Niemann, T. Meiners, J. Mielke, M. J. Borchert, J. M. Cornejo, S. Ulmer, C. Ospelkaus published in Measurement Science and Technology, 2019.
- Control and measurement of a single-ion quantum harmonic oscillator thesis by Katherine Casey McCormick, University of Colorado, 2019.
- Two-qubit microwave quantum logic gate with 9Be+ ions in scalable surface-electrode ion traps thesis by Henning Hahn, Leibniz University Hannover, 2019.
- A Be+ ion trap for H2+ spectroscopy thesis by Johannes Heinrich, Sorbonne University, 2018.
- Setup of a vibration-suppressed cryogenic system for a RF ion trap with minimum micromotion thesis by Lukas Josef Spiess, Max Planck Institute, 2018.
Our quantum engagements
We are part of the European Quantum Flagship, the European Quantum Industry Consortium, the Quantum Economic Development Consortium, and the Danish Quantum Community.