Cases First measurement of 12 Optical Density with 1 nm resolution In the last few years, optical coating technologies have made significant progress which allows depositing hundreds of layers with perfect…
Cases High speed Tomography and Profilometry Researchers at the Advanced Photonics & Sensing Laboratory at Saitama University use the SuperK EXTREME and a spatial light modulator…
Cases Measurements of retinal oxygen metabolic response in the eye Supercontinuum OCT laser is used to measure retinal oxygen metabolic response in the eye.
Cases Swarm Absolute Scalar Magnetometers Our Koheras single-frequency lasers are part of the Swarm mission that measures the magnetic field of the Earth, from space.
Cases True color SLO and OCT handheld probe A team from Duke University uses a SuperK EXTREME supercontinuum source from NKT Photonics to power the World's first true…
Cases Characterization of plasmonic structures and metamaterials Purdue University uses a SuperK EXTREME supercontinuum laser for characterization of graphene and other metamaterials.
Cases Characterization of graphene-based photodetectors At the quantum nano-optoelectronics group of Frank Koppens at ICFO, they focus on the fundamental nano-optoelectronic properties of graphene and…
Cases Properties of colorectal and pancreatic field carcinogenesis The SuperK supercontinuum laser was used as a tunable broadband light source for OCT.
Cases Measuring microvascular sO2 using visible light OCT The SuperK was used as a broadband source for the Fourier domain OCT setup.